Monday, September 22, 2014

Unknown and unwanted

Every ache, every off bowel movement and every ounce of tired makes me worry. This has to stop. I had the ultra sound on Friday and I hope I'm wrong but I could swear the technician looked sad when I left. Did he see something? I didn't ask. I only want to hear it from my own doctor.

I won't know more until Oct 3rd. I didn't make an appointment this Friday as my regular doctor isn't in and even though her partner is just as great, I just don't know about seeing a different doctor about this stuff. And Jodie's wedding is Saturday and it best I not know anything until after.

What if it is awful news? Then first thing is to get POA set up and get information about work life insurance, etc for Ashleigh. Friday I'm going to take another pile to Sal Army. Clear out as much stuff as possible.

What if all I need is a new mattress? I wake up with such a sore back then it gets better as the day goes on. Another pile of money I need to spend.

No, I'm going to stay in my current work location. There is more I do know and I have a feeling my job as it is will not be as pleasant and will change. If it does, Jaci will post out and Shelly won't commute that far. Chris is retiring in a little over a year so....

So much depends upon what labs results show and if I really do have something off.

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